Conference "Non-archimedean analytic Geometry: Theory and Practice"
August 24 - 28, 2015, Papeete, French Polynesia
Organising comitee
Gaëtan Bisson (University of French Polynesia)
Jean Chaumine (University of French Polynesia)
Philippe Lebacque (University of Besançon)
Roger Oyono (University of French Polynesia)
Scientific comitee
Antoine Ducros (University of Paris 6)
Johannes Nicaise (University of Leuven)
Jérôme Poineau (University of Caen)
Alexey Zykin (University of French Polynesia)
Conference Program
General Information
Conference Poster and Welcome Booklet
The aim of this conference is to bring together researchers working on different mathematical subjects related to analytic spaces, both experts of great renown in the domain and specialists in other areas willing to use analytic spaces in their research. We expect to establish a fruitful collaboration between various mathematical communities in a way that the interaction would result in new applications of the methods from the theory of analytic spaces as well as in a progress in this domain.
The main topics on which we will focus include:
- Berkovich spaces;
- complex and ultrametric dynamics ;
- singularities ;
- model theory;
- tropical geometry;
- differential equations;
- étale topology, tempered topology
- applications to the study of varieties over finite fields;
- applications to the information theory,
- etc.
If you would like to participate in the conference, please contact Alexey Zykin.